Thursday, November 13, 2008

Creme Fraiche, what have I been missing?

Creme Fraiche!!!! I made a recipe (it doesn't matter which) that called for creme fraiche but I couldn't find any so I subbed in sour cream. During my last search for it and having to settle for the sour cream I decided to special order it at my local Publix. (Publix being the great store that it is will try and get in special requests.) I got the call last week that my case of creme fraiche was in, yikes! I called the lady back and explained I didn't need a whole case just one maybe two containers. She said not to worry that what I didn't want would go on the shelf.

Yesterday I made potato soup for dinner. I didn't follow a recipe and just threw in various potato soup ingredients. Remembering that I still hadn't tried any of the creme fraiche I figured, since I was just winging it I would add some of the creme fraiche into the soup when I added the half & half. Because I didn't want to totally ruin my soup I went ahead and tried a spoonful of it first and then another and then I started to kick myself that I hadn't tried it before. I kept thinking of all the recipes that I could have added that to instead of sour cream and how much better everything would have tasted. I've always liked sour cream but I'm sorry there isn't any comparisons. It's just that good. It is creamy and rich but not heavy, tangy and cool. I added it to my potato soup and I don't know if it was in my head or not but the soup never tasted better and the Twins who complained they didn't want potato soup again had two servings! (I made a cheese and potato soup a few weeks ago and they do not like to eat the same thing more than once a month.) No, I didn't take any photos. :-( Haven't gotten the blogger mindset yet of photos first, eat second. I'll be honest, after slaving over the stove I want everyone to sit down and eat it when it's done and HOT. I hate it if Joe or the children drag their feet getting to the table. Basically I forget! LOL!

For those of you who haven't tried it yet and like sour cream give it a try I think you won't be disappointed.


Robin said...

I love Creme Fraiche on top of my French Toast with real maple syrup. Delicious!

Ingrid_3Bs said...

robin sue~
That sounds yummy. I have a lot of catching up to do with my new love, creme fraiche! :-)

I'm looking forward to trying out pepper jelly and your recipe.

Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Hooray, your post showed up in the correct place. I knew you could do it. Great post, by the way.

Anonymous said...

i was introduced to creme fraiche when i studied abroad in England. and there was no turning back. i will have to try it in my potato cheese soup recipe. thanks for the tip!


Reeni said...

I cannot find creme fraiche anywhere! I have been wanting to try it too. I guess I will have to ask them to special order it for me. It sounds so delicious! I am jealous!

Anonymous said...

I know this is a little after the fact, but you can make your own creme fraiche at home. You just mix about a tablespoon of sour cream or buttermilk to heavy cream, mix them well, and put them in a non-reactive container (glass or ceramic) and let it sit on the counter overnight. In the morning, TA-DA! Creme fraiche!

Ingrid_3Bs said...

pure ingredients~
Thanks for visiting my blog! I love creme fraiche and have been throwing it into just about everything.

YES, girl, ask them! It is gooood stuff!

NOW you tell me?! LOL! I'm glad though because the grocery store is out of the small box of creme fraiche they ordered (for me). THX for the tip! You're the BOMB!

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Thanks Nella!!