Thursday, November 20, 2008

My little tree hugger

Here's picture of Babygirl holding one of our neighbor's kitties. She's a tree hugger in the making. Since before she could clearly say veterinarian she has known that she wants to be one. She has always loved animals and shown no fear of them even when they are growling at her. Living in Florida there are always critters (yikes) of some sort running around, she'd be in heaven accept I am a mean, mean mom and won't get her a pet. She is left visiting all the neighbors and their pets. She knows every cat and dog in a 10 house radius. It's kinda funny as neighbors I don't really know will tell her hello and ask her hows she's doing. Most often she doesn't know their name only that of their pet.

She is a huge fan of Animal Planet and all its various shows. When she firsted watching her shows, she would try and take notes, constantly shouting out for us to spell various words. She had just started school and I would tell her to sound it out but often the Twins would tell her tobe quiet and just watch. LOL! She constantly quotes animal facts that she has learned. She doesn't always get it exactly right but because she talks with such authority no one questions her!

It's not just animals but insects, too. We live in the bug capital of America, if not the world and we either have to kill 'em in secret or holler for her to catch 'em. If she's not looking, I admit I kill 'em. Sorry, I don't like bugs. She also asks questions about trees and plants and whether they are alive in the way that we, humans and animals are. That was a difficult question to answer.
While she isn't a vegetarian she really doesn't eat a lot of meat. I wouldn't, though be surprised if one day she becomes one. She's a sweet kid and I love her!


  1. That' such a sweet picture and sounds like she is a sweet girl. Way to encourage her. Maybe she should go to zoo camp...?

  2. That's so sweet! I think Janna's got a great idea: zoo camp would be so much fun for her!

  3. Ingrid,
    Thank you for commenting on my blog and the congratulations. Boy was I surprised. I am so giddy right now.
    I have a little tree huger myself. She is in 7th grade and wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. She has loved animals all her life. What a precious picture. Love it! Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  4. i'm with her on the animals (i still get tears in my eyes when i pass roadkill)(except when it's a possum), but i kill bugs like there's no tomorrow. :)

  5. What a great kid you have!

    And, yeah, not a fan of bugs either. If I don't squish them, it's only because I'm too icked out by the crunch.

  6. Cute! I also wanted to be a vet when I was little.

  7. How cute! I, too, wanted to be a vet growing up...I saved every animal I could find...fed all the strays behind my parents back and raised grand champion rabbits in 4-H...still love animals but skipped vet school!

  8. How sweet! Reminds me of my little sister.

  9. Hey, ladies! Thanks for all the thoughtful comments you left about my Babygirl! She's a sweetie though when she's behaving like mini me it's hard to remember that! LOL!

    btw, grace~ she has been known to cry suddenly over roadkill and in FL it's all over the place. We try and distract her! It's actually pretty funny!


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