Monday, November 17, 2008

An excuse and a catch up

This is going to be a hodgepodge of photos and recipe links. I'm trying to catch up as I've been bad, very bad!  Here's what's kept me from posting.  About 11 days ago another parent on Devon's football team convinced me to read Stephanie Meyer's Twilight.  It is actually a series of four very large books.  I caved and the following day I purchased and started the first book, Twilight.   It was all over after that.... I read the first three in a week, about 1800 pages.  Yes, it's that good!  The fourth book, Breaking Dawn in my opinion is not quite as good as the other three but still a worthy read.  It's not bad just not quite as good. Because it hasn't held my attention as well as the others I've managed to catch up on some chores and get to bed before midnight these past few days.  Here's the first of my catch up......

DSC00628These are treats that Babygirl and I made together for her class.  The first one we made is an idea I saw on Taste and Tell, ghosts.  We dipped Nutter Butter cookies in almond bark (or white candy melts) and then we applied mini chocolate chips as eyes.  Deborah from Taste and Tell put hers on lollipop sticks but I couldn't remember where I hid mine from someone who will remain nameless but she's the one who bullied her way into doing the majority of this by herself!   We also didn't draw on any mouths as it was getting let and messy. 

   The second treat that we made was the pumpkin spice cake balls that IDSC00626 saw on Bake at 350.  I know that you ALL know how to make these and have probably made some variation of them so I won't bother explaining again.  We did though roll them in both almond bark and chocolate bark.  The brand of chocolate bark we used was not very good.  It's what ever one that Publix had on their shelf.  Luckily these were for a group of 9yr olds who probably wouldn't notice the quality of the chocolate we used.  I guess her teacher didn't notice either as her thank you note read, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for the treats you sent in for class."  Babygirl said they were a hit and her teacher sent some on to several other teachers.  No, I'm not brown nosing it but it doesn't hurt to send in a treat for special occasions.  You know the saying "A few treats a year keeps the "A" near!"  LOL!  I just made that up, maybe I'm getting better at this.  (you know the writing part of blogging.)



Look at that little cake ball critter Babygirl made! 

I'd like to blame to blame Babygirl for the less than stellar photos but unfortunately those were all me.

***Keep an eye out, coming soon is the Suppa Club's third dish, Pork Mushroom Ragout and a round up, a pumpkin spice cake with orange double cream frosting, peanut butter buckeye bars, and last an ooey gooey pound cake courtesy of the Kitchen Bully! Yes, that would be the on and only Babygirl.  Do you have one,a kitchen bully? 

Oh, I almost forgot I have a couple thanks you and awards to pass on to YOU!


  1. I've never made the little cake balls! They look cute!

  2. I love that..."A few treats a year..." I was thinking that I'd never heard that saying and had to laugh that you said you just made it up! :) It's a good one! I think all teachers would agree! As a homeschooler, I'm wondering who I can get to bring me snacks! ;)

  3. Those ghosts are cute! Hubband would love the combo of candy melts and peanut butter. He thinks candy melts are delicious...I just can't figure it out! Every time I use them, he tries to sneak disks from the bowl before I melt them. I guess as a confirmed dark chocolate-aholic, they just aren't my kind of flavor. I'll take a Nutter-Butter any time though!

  4. I love those ghosts! I love using almond bark too.

  5. Hmmm... those looks scrumptious! The ghosts are cute too.

    Seriously, were do you find the time to read 1800 pages?! I've been reading (or should I say carring around)the same book with me the last 3 months and aren't even half way through it!

  6. the little ghosties are great! i wish i had thought of that, and you'd better believe it'll be coming around next halloween!

  7. Ingrid,

    I'd actually planned on turning it into a real book and printing it for ya'll. :) As soon as I get my Christmas stories done and can focus on it, you'll have it! There's a huge plotline I'm not reavealing... :)

  8. i had to laugh when i read this post...i am always teasing my fiance about reading nerdy books and then i picked up twilight and couldn't put any of the books down...and i am going to see the movie even though i know i will be disappointed. oh the teen drama, sigh...

  9. I think I'm the only one who hasn't made cake balls yet... But I'm glad you tried the ghosts and liked them!!

  10. How cute!

    As for Twilight...I got the books to read over fall break and read them all in 3 days! I think the first book was my favorite. I'm with you though, the first three books were better than the last, but I did like how it ended.

  11. Hi, thanks so much for taking the time to comment. Sorry it's taken so long to respond! I keep getting further and further behind...


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