Sunday, November 23, 2008

Suppa Club ~ My Turn

Pork Roast with Three Mushroom Ragout was our  bimonthly suppa club dish and it was chosen by yours truly.  Choosing a dish is tougher than people realize .  There's a lot of pressure to not chose a "sorry" dish.  I spent quite a bit of time reading through recipes and the comments that went along with them before narrowing it down to two recipes.  It has become a tradition of offering up two choices for the group and having an informal vote.  The Pork Roast with Three Mushroom Ragout won.  Both of my choices involved the slow cooker but I believe that it was the "three mushrooms"  that hooked everyone's vote. 

Now on to crappy photos that don't do the dish justice.  DSC00654I am asking Santa for a Lowell Ego Light for Christmas.  While my photos still won't be on par with photos by the blogging "greats" at least my lighting will be better.  Okay were was I, Joe has off on Friday's so I left him with the task of picking up the missing ingredients and getting everything together and into the slow cooker for me.  At this point everything has gone well.  It wasn't until it was time to serve that I realized there might be a problem.  I don't think Joe paid attention to the time he started the slow cooker or  to how long the recipe called for the pork to cook.  It was supposed to cook for 7 hours and I'm pretty sure he had it going for more than 8 hours.  While the pork was fork tender it was quite stringy, yeah, not good.  Also, most of the ragout's flavor was lost by the time it was served for dinner. I served it over the suggested egg noodles and with fresh bread.  No one but  me actually complained and my brother even came over and ate some the next day.  I am definitely going to give this another try as I do think it has potential.

Please visit the other Suppa Club Ladies...

First up is Siri at Transplanted Baker she enjoyed this dish and served it over risotto.  She also improvised as she doesn't have a slow cooker.

Next, is Nicole at Arctic Garden Studio didn't have a crock pot and bought one on sale so that she could make the dish. 

Here's Kirstin's post at Kreative Kirstin.  She said that it was a definite winner! Yay!

Last is our founder Molly at Batter Splattered.  Her's didn't quite come out like she first intended but instead it evolved to a delish sandwich!

Unfortunately Corinne and Amanda had to sit out this round! 

I wonder what's up next?

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  1. Ingrid, nice job with the wrap up. You asked it I like it and honestly it didn't make me a lover of pork, but the flavor and the mushrooms were really good. On the other hand it scored me big points with David as I never cook pork and he does really like it.

  2. This looks like a great pick! I'm sorry yours was overcooked. I think we, as foodies tend to overscrutinize our food. I'm glad your family like it. You did a great job on the round-up!

  3. What a great idea for a slow cooker meal! This will definiyly be added to my "Must Try" list.


  4. Looks good! My boyfriend would love this.

  5. I'm sorry your pork didn't work out! What a shame!

  6. I love the slow cooker! I'm always looking for good recipes to use. I have at times overcooked things in the slow cooker because I simply forget about it!
    Don't be hard on yourself about your pictures! You're doing a fantastic job! It's tough taking shots of food at night, especially. The best thing I learned to do was turn off my camera's flash and use either natural light or the white lights that mimic the natural light spectrum. I still use the Picasa Web Album's (free) photoediting program to lighten up my shots, even with the Lowel Ego lights I have now.

  7. Yummm, I think you made the perfect choice!

  8. You can't go wrong with three kinds of mushrooms. Sounds like a fantastic meal.

  9. I haven't heared of this group. You made a great choice, looks delish!

  10. That roasted pork with mushrooms sounds good! I have one of those ego lambs and really like it!


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