Monday, August 23, 2010

Puff Pastry

It’s that time of the month when Michelle, Monica, and I share with you what our baking challenge was for the prior month.  If you hadn’t picked up on it.  We’ve been taking a little longer than a month to bake and blog about our experiences.  Last month’s challenge was chosen by yours truly and I’m certain you’ve figured out by my post’s title that it was puff pastry, homemade puff pastry:)

banana tart

This is another example of how awesome our little CB group has been for me!  On my own I probably would have never given puff pastry a try but with the pushing encouragement of Monica & Michelle I can scratch if off my list .   I’m hoping through our post we are encouraging you to get out of your comfort zone and give these recipes a chance.  None of them have actually been difficult but for some reason they seem like it thus putting off a lot of bakers.  If I haven’t said it before or made it clear I’d be happy to answer any questions you have and I’d be willing to bet that Monica and Michelle would as well! 

banana tart3

I’m not sure I was 100% successful.  My puff pastry didn’t seem to puff as much as I thought it should or would.  Still, it tasted pretty good. 


The puff pastry recipe makes two 11x15 inch rectangles; with mine I made two mini-ish  banana tarts with salted caramel and palmiers.  Unfortunately, I goofed with the tarts.  The recipe called for bananas that were not overly ripe.  I guess mine weren’t ripe at all because they got harder after they were baked, not warm and gooey.  The salted caramel and some vanilla ice cream saved the tarts from being inedible but they were still a huge disappointment.   The second recipe I tried was, Ina’s palmiers.  These turned out more like I had hoped and were very good.  Before I forget, I want to make it clear that I messed up the banana tart.  It wasn’t the recipe and I will be making it again. I’ve given you the links to the recipes I used but please note I used Smitten Kitchen’s salted caramel recipe for the banana tart and I added a tablespoon of cinnamon to 1 cup of sugar for the palmiers.


Homemade Puff Pastry
from The Art & Soul of Baking by Cindy Mushet
4 1/2 sticks (18 oz) cold unsalted butter
3 cups (15 oz) all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons (3 oz) very cold water
1 1/2 teaspoons cider vinegar

Cut the butter into 3/4-inch cubes.  Transfer the cubes to the bowl of a stand mixer.  Add the flour and salt to the bowl also and use your hands to mix briefly, until the butter is coated with flour.  Put the bowl in the refrigerator to chill for 20 minutes.  Combine the water and vinegar in a measuring cup and chill this mixture in the fridge for 20 minutes as well.

After 20 minutes, remove the mixer bowl from the fridge and attach to a mixer fitted with the paddle attachment.  Mix on low speed for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes.  You want the butter to break into smaller pieces of varying sizes (the largest about 1/2-inch square); be careful, however, not to over-mix - if the butter is too small, it will be unable to form flaky layers in your puff pastry.
With the mixer still on low speed, slowly add the water/vinegar mixture to the bowl, drizzling in different points around the bowl.  When the dough begins to come together in large chunks (within about 10 seconds), stop the mixer.  The dough will be slightly moist but it will not look smooth.  Turn the contents of the bowl onto a floured work surface.

Use your hands to shape the dough into a rough rectangle about 6 x 8 inches and 1 1/2 inches thick.  Use a rolling pin to roll the dough into a 14 x 16-inch rectangle.  You can flour the dough a bit if necessary, but brush the excess flour away once you've finished rolling the dough out.  Fold the dough into thirds like a letter.   Start with a narrower side facing you and begin by folding the bottom third up.  Next, fold the top third down to complete the "turn."

After you complete the first turn, roll your rolling pin across the top of the dough gently 1 or 2 times, just to fuse the dough.  Wrap the dough in plastic and refrigerate for 30 minutes.  You'll want to repeat this process 2 more times - to create three turns total.  Continue to chill the dough for 30 minutes between turns.  Once you've completed all 3 turns, chill the dough (wrapped in plastic wrap) for at least 1 hour before using.

The dough can be refrigerated for 2 days or frozen (double-wrapped in plastic wrap) for 4-6 weeks.  Thaw frozen dough overnight in the refrigerator. 
Makes 2 1/4 pounds of dough

Don’t forget to check out Monica and Michelle’s puff pastries!


  1. Looks great! I have yet to conquer the puff pastry. :) But, this may have just encouraged me!

  2. Your puff pastry looks perfect to me! And that tart even if it didn't turn out for you looks amazing. I'm loving your new camera, can you tell?! My favorite photo has to be the palmiers though- nice!

    Happy baking with you! Hopefully with this upcoming "challenge" we can get back on track. It's simple and delicious.

  3. Congratulations!!! Puff pastry is a tough one but your desserts all look good, even the tart!

  4. It looks amazing. I too wouldn't really want to...but one day day I guess I should hope to put it off my list. Those palmiers are magniques!

  5. Very well done! Your puff pastry looks perfect. That tart and those palmiers look so good!



  6. Puff pastry is one thing that has always intimidated me. Yours looks really impressive! The palmiers look perfect!

  7. check you out making your own puff pastry. fancy suits you ;)

  8. My mouth is watering. I'd still use the frozen stuff, though. I'm too lazy.

  9. I didn't even know you could make it from scratch - just kidding (kind of)! Everything looks delish and Monica and Michelle also pulled it off too!

    Thanks for your comments on Nolan! I'm so happy to say he is doing great! You are so sweet to remember that he just turned 1!

  10. I think yours looks great! I love seeing what challenges you guys come up with! I am always to scared to try these things but you guys make me want to!

  11. Sorry it didn't work out! Baking involves some risks, right? Can't wait to see next month's choice.

  12. How adventurous! I love the swirly things :)

  13. Congrats on your puff pastry. It looks fantastic. How are the kids enjoying their new schools this year? Are your boys playing football?

  14. This looks gorgeous Ingrid. Congrats to you for stepping out of your comfort zone. Rock on!

  15. Nice work! I really love your Palmiers. It all looks delicious!

  16. wow, i'm impressed! i've never even thought to make my own puff pastry, it sounds and looks delicious. i love what you did with it too!

  17. Congrats on making puff pastry! It looks great!

  18. Very impressive Ingrid! I've never made puff pastry before...I'll have to put it on my to-do list. Your palmers look so yummy and I am still jealous of your new camera :)

  19. bravissimo! i commend you for even attempting to make puff pastry--i've never even considered it myself. your elephant ears look superb!

  20. Kudos to you! I wouldn't even try it!

  21. I need to join y'all or I will NEVER conquer anything on my To-Make list!

    I love palmiers. The crisp crumblies left behind make me smile!

  22. Your puff pastry turned out really well Ingrid! The banana tarts look really yummy - sorry about the bananas getting hard - I've never seen that happen before. The palmiers are so cute!

  23. Your right, why is puff pastry intimidating? I have not tried it before either...maybe it is about time I do! The cinnamon palmiers look so yummy and perfect treat with a caramel latte!

  24. Whistle. clap. hoorah! You did it! I love making puff pastry. Everyone is always like, wow. And besides the time involved - it is pretty easy going. Your palmiers look great Ingrid. I always had faith in you. You always say you could not do this or that. I just know you can.

  25. I've never thought to make my own puff pastry before... great job!

  26. The palmiers look lovely! After croissants I think I can definitely master puff pastry. Maybe I'll get after it next month! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to see how Monica and Michelle did!

  27. Looks so good. I am a little embarrased to say that i have still not made my own puff pastry so this is a great recipe.

    I have a giveaway going on, don’t miss out, it ends 8/27 and it for all the wine enthusiasts.

  28. homemade puff pastry! how impressive! the idea of homemade puff pastry is one of those things that has always scared me! but yours looks perfect!

  29. I love what you did wiht your puff pastry, even if your bananas were a little hard. . ice cream and caramel sauce makes everything better!

  30. I am officially impressed, Ingrid! Making your own puff pastry is indeed an accomplishment! Good for you. I certainly am never going to try. :)

  31. Your puff pastry looks great to me! Way to go! The palmiers look delicious!

  32. oh my gawsh- rock it, girl!! It looks totally awesome. I have NEVER made my own puff pastry. Ever. I'm so impressed. Wish I could gobble a bit ;)

  33. Hey,

    Your pastry looks so tempting!!!


  34. Awesome looking palmiers!! I'm too intimidated to make puff pastry! Yours looks almost perfect :)

  35. Your palmiers look wonderful, Ingrid. I'm amazed how well you did with your first attempt. I love your recipes and the food you feature here. I'll be back often. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  36. Congratulations on the puff pastry adventure! I love making puff pastry; it can be relaxing when the butter doesn't melt too fast. Your tarts look great!

  37. You did great Ingrid, I've never even attempted this. Good for you!

  38. That looks professional! I have never tried puff pastry either!

  39. Ingrid, just popping back in to say that I uploaded an image of a slice of the Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Leaves as you requested. Thanks for your comment as well :)

    Happy blogging...this recipe still looks amazing!

  40. YUM!! How gorgeous does that look?! Nice work!

  41. I love puff pastry but have never cooked with it. This is great inspiration!

  42. c'est réussi j'aime beaucoup le feuilletés maison
    bonne journée

  43. You did a great job Ingrid! Kudos to you! The banana tart sounds wonderful and I can tell the palmiers were good, the picture tells all! :)

  44. yay for pushing yourself to try something new!!

  45. Looks pretty darn successful to me! Love the palimers!


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