Thursday, March 19, 2009


Four awards!  In the past several weeks or so I've received four awards from some really cool bloggers.  Sorry it's taken so long to properly thank you and pass these along!

The first award is from Donna at My Tasty Treasures.  If you sisterhoodaward haven't been by her blog you are seriously missing out.  Hers is filled with not only tasty, you can make this at home food but is also over flowing with amusing comments that will have you bursting out laughing and blushing if you're like me.  I leave you with this warning.... be careful who's around you when you read her blog as you WILL laugh, loudly,  the kind you can't smother, that will have anyone who can hear you inquiring as to what's so funny.  I've had the misfortune of reading her at work (oops) and when my kids were around.  Both times I couldn't really say what was funny or repeat the joke. Which means you just get that look, you know, the you're a weirdo look!  LOL!

3 awards The second award comes from Lisa at Parsley, Sage, Desserts,and Line Drives. First things first, you might have noticed that one of my B's stands for baseball and you might have noticed that her blog name has "line drives"  in it.  See the connection? Um, for those of you that aren't familiar with the term "lines drives" it's the name of a type of hit, the best kind outside of a home run.  You know she'd rock in my book for that alone.  Before I tell you about her kitchen awesomeness  I have to mention that she's a HUGE NY Yankees fan.  Okay, yes, on to the food.  Last year Lisa severally injured her knee and has been baking from a wheel chair and until a month or so ago from the kitchen at her rehab facility.  Go now and check out what she's able to create (works of dessert art) from a strange kitchen and her wheel chair.  Seriously, how impressive is that?  I won't even get started on how lame I feel when I swing by her blog and see what she's up to and here I am making boxed brownies. (though I did make a cake & a tart)

Honest_ScrapThe third one isn't an award but a meme and is from Monica at  Lick the Bowl Good.  :-)Monica's blog is a recent one that I've  found and have been reading.  I've already made two of her recipes  and both were  hits.  The first, graham cracker toffee was gobbled up so fast that I didn't get a chance to take any pictures.  I made it a second time in hopes of getting some photos but it was eaten up even faster.  My children do not, will not wait for me to take photos unless I'm standing over the dessert and threatening bodily harm.  Because everything I make is for them that's not going to happen, so no toffee photos. The second recipe I made, Old Fashion Coca-Cola is one I did get photos of and was lick the (frosting) bowl good. 

kreativ_blogger_awardThe last award is from Charity at Sweet Charity Pie.  If you remember my Double Chocolate Layer Cake and Red Velvet posts you may remember that they were  a collaboration between Charity and I.  I don't think Charity gets her full props.  Charity is very familiar with the scientific aspects of baking and if you've read some of her TWD posts will have noticed that she's great at reading a recipe and seeing where the recipe could go wrong or wouldn't be to her tastes and successfully tweaking it.  I'm not talking about switching semisweet chocolate for milk either.

I sincerely hope that you visit each of their blogs.  You'll come away with great recipes, having learned something, been inspired, or a side that aches from laughing so much!

This is part I hate, narrowing down who these get passed to.  I know that there are "rules" to each of these but I'm gonna make my own and pass the awards along to all blogs that I enjoy and I think will appreciate them.  Some of them you may recognize and some may be new to you. 

Now on to ten honest things about me

  1. I LOVE my family, especially my three children.  I worry that maybe Jalen, one of the Twins doesn't realize how much.
  2. I'm a take charge person; BOSSY.
  3. I worry A LOT.
  4. I'm a cancer, the crab, and that is exactly me, hard shell on the outside protecting a soft inside
  5. I'm extremely loyal, you don't like "them" then I don't like "them" ...bottom line!
  6. I'll give away my food, your lunch, the kids baseball snacks to the homeless on street corners.
  7. I have a soft spot for the elderly.  (Love to hear about the the "good ol' days"!)
  8. I've been trying Kristen's idea of greeting my honey each night as soon as he comes into the house with a warm hello, hug, and kiss.  (Nothing crazy Donna, the kids are usually still up!)
  9. I'm Puerto Rican but all American.  I tear up at God Bless America, the National Anthem, and all the other songs that proclaim how wonderful our country is and how lucky we are to have men and women who leave their families to protect our privileges. 
  10. If you knock me down, I'll get right back up and keep coming at you until you give up.  Can't stand a bully!
  11. Bonus......I sincerely appreciate all of you that take a moment to read my blog and leave me encouraging and thoughtful comments. 

Will she ever be done?  Yes! Peace out! :-)

Note:  Sorry if I left out a link or two.  It was just getting crazy & I was at the "I want to get this done and over with already" point.  Also, the list of blogs I visit is long and I apologize to any that may feel slighted because I didn't pass along an award to them.  Feel free to grab one, two, or all!

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  1. aww yous so sweet! :)

  2. Congrats on the awards! Nice to learn more about you!



  3. Yay, Ingrid! Congrats on your awards. You are so deserving; your blog is wonderful! And, thank you, thank you for passing this award on to me (you've put me in the company of amazing blogs, so I'm quite honored). You totally made my night!

  4. You're quite the generous one today!

    We all love you and your blog. I can't believe you made two batches of the graham cracker toffee! That stuff is addicting, isn't it?

  5. Oh and I'm a cancer too. What's interesting is that my mom and I are both cancers- our birthdays are only a week apart and we could not be more opposite. I think she was born in the wrong astroligical sign/!

  6. Thanks so much! And you get a new Twirl tommorow, there's something REALLY big and special for you on my blog Friday...

  7. Thank you, thank you, Ingrid! I'm feeling quite at a loss for words about being on such a great list of bloggers. Being so new to this blogging world, though, I don't know what my responsibilities at receiving such awards are. :) Fill me in please!

  8. Thanks Ingrid! I am always looking forward to new updates on your blog. You definitely deserve these awards.

  9. wow! congrats on all those awards - and thanks :) i like to rewrite the rules too and just pass them along however.

    happy wednesday :)

  10. Tons of awards, all well deserved! Thanks for sharing! We just love your blog!

  11. You're so sweet, Ingrid! Thank you for the award, and I love your list of 10, even though I did just put you on my "list of people not to pi$$ off." HA!

  12. Congrats on all the awards! You deserve them!

    Awww! Thanks- so sweet of you- thanks for the kind words, and for including me in this list of awesome bloggers! I'm blushing actually.
    I'm also looking forward to checking out the blogs I haven't yet discovered (oh my, my bookmarked pages are getting way out of hand!)

  13. AWWW...thanks for the kind and flattering words, Ingrid. You more than deserved all of the awards and I LOVED reading the 10 honest things about you! You meet so many special people through blogging, and you're definitely the tops, and not only because you're a Yankee fan! lol I LOVE what you create and talk about, even though the photos usually crank my salivary glands into high gear, enough so that a bib isn't out of the question!!

    BTW, any news on your visit to NY? HOF or city?

  14. Congrats on the awards! You so deserve them!! I always enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for passing them on! :) I really enjoyed reading the 10 things about you!

  15. So many! And that was a nice and honest meme :)

  16. Congrats on your awards - you really deserve them.

    After reading your 10 things it's funny how much you and I are must be that we are both Cancers.

  17. Thanks for the award, I really appreciate it!

  18. Ingrid, congrats on all your awards! You totally deserve them. And thank you so much for passing them along to me!

    Loved your list. I'm seriously right there with you on the loyalty thing!

  19. Whoa! You just made a lot of bloggers very happy! FOUR AWARDS!! Thanks ;D ;D ;D <3333

  20. Congratulation on your awards! You have a great blog and it's fun to learn more about you!

  21. Thank you Ingrid..Thank you, thank you!! I so enjoyed reading your 11 facts.. I like you even more.. Is that possible, my dear bloggie girlfriend?

  22. great tidbits about yourself, ingrid--thanks for sharing! you certainly deserve every award you receive. your blog rocks, so keep up the awesome work!

  23. Thanks Ingrid!!! We'll pass forward on our next post!

  24. Ingrid - Congrats on the awards! They're both well deserved. Loved reading what you've written for Honest Scrap!

    And you're SO SWEET to pass the benefits along to me! I'm honored.

  25. Holy Awards, Ingrid! You deserve em! :)

  26. Congratulation on your awards!

  27. Congratulations on all your awards! You deserve them!!!! Thanks for passing them on to me, too. You're awesome!

  28. Ok, I passed it on with a proper post and everything. Thanks again for my VERY FIRST AWARD. =) You are the best and I love your site.

  29. Congrats on receiving these awards and thank you for passing them onto me! I'm thrilled you included Inn Cuisine, as it's always nice to be listed in such good company! You made my day!


Thanks for visiting my blog & taking the time to comment! :)