Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Not more cake.....

Yes, more cake but this is the last one for a few posts.  I actually made this cake before I made the Double Layer Chocolate Cake and the Red Velvet one.  Monica at Lick the Bowl Good called it Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Coca-Cola Cake.  That's a mouthful. I made this for the Twins' baseball coach's birthday and just called it Old Fashion Coca-Cola Cake


I have to tell you I much prefer this "chocolate" cake over theDSC01064-1 double layer one.  I don't think this is a true "chocolate" cake.  It's more along the lines of a red velvet.   You may find this shocking or not.Especially after reading my last post but  the frosting made the cake for me. It was a chocolate one but following Monica's suggestion I added a 1/2 tsp of cinnamon to it and oh, man I was scraping the pot clean to get the last little bits if it.  I usually have no problem walking away from anything chocolate especially chocolate cake but not this time I actually ate two and half pieces of it in two days.   While all the kids liked this and some actually ate two (Will three, :-)) pieces the parents I think enjoyed it more.  In the car ride home the Twins mentioned that their teammates said it was good but it wasn't the best thing I've made.   

On another note:  Thanks for your letting me know what books you have read that have been good.  I'm starting a list, so that next time I go to the bookstore I'm not wondering around like a big dufus.

Baseball update:  The Twins played four baseball games this weekend two on Saturday and two on Sunday.  We won all four games! One was a come from behind (by four points)in the last inning to tie the game and then win it in the tie breaker inning.  Jalen drove in two runs to tie the score and Devon was supposed to sacrifice bunt to move the runner over but instead he beat out the throw and later scored the winning run.  Yay, GO STING!  I'm going to try and get a current photo of the whole team and the twins to post. 

Hope everyone had a happy and green Irish  food filled St. Paddy's Day! 

Daddy, I love and miss you. Hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday!!!!

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  1. YES! More cake! And it looks so good! You're right, the cinnamon makes this cake. I'm glad you thought it was a home run (pun intended)!

    It was fun to make too. I like when the baking soda and cocoa combine with the coke and it all bubbles up. I'm just a kid at heart :-)

    Thanks for linking to my blog!

  2. You can never have enough cake! I like the concept of adding coke, what a fun idea.

  3. That's funny, I also have no problem leaving the chocolate in the bowl for my husband to lick, but there are just some things that are impossible to walk away from! This looks like one of those dangerous ones! :)

  4. This moist chocolate cake looks mighty scrumptious!



  5. Mmm, I love coca-cola cakes. There's something about the flavor and texture that is just right-on. I'm not tired of your cake postings...I could eat cake all the time. Especially cake that looks as yummy as yours!!

  6. Your cake looks so good! Congrats on the wins!

  7. OH Ingrid, that looks so delicious! I would love a piece right now! Sounds like youre going to be real busy with baseball real soon!

  8. Beautiful post :) I hope you had a nice St Patrick's day too....the cake looks scrumptious....and why is this the last cake????? keep 'em coming! :)

  9. mmmm. i am always up for more cake! this looks delicious!

  10. Another great cake! I am always up for a good chocolate dessert. I really want to try that frosting!

  11. The cake looks great but the frosting does sound amazing with cinnamon in it.

  12. It looks so moist and rich and delicious! Yay for the team wins!

  13. I wouldn't mind eating cake every day - especially one like this!

  14. What is the official difference between red velvet and chocolate cake?

  15. i'll say it here and now--i shall never tire of cake. further, i shall never turn down a piece of cake. :)

  16. I was totally going to comment earlier, but I started licking my screen, and then I drooled on the keyboard, and it shorted out and well, anyway. Can you move next door? K, thanks!

  17. A big hunk of chocolate cake is exactly what I want right now!

  18. More cake = goodness.

    The cake look so moist and the frosting with cinnamon must be amazing!

    Yay for the team! =)

  19. Ingrid,

    I don't have the recipe for snickerdoodle crust. I went to this bakery in Fredericksburg, Texas. The apple pie there had the most amazing, snickerdoodle like crust. http://www.greattowns.com/texas/fredericksburg/fredericksburgpiecompany.html

    You can call them and see if they'll give you the recipe!

  20. Sounds wonderful delicious! :)

  21. If I send you some cupcakes will you send me a piece of this cake? pretty please?

  22. The cake looks delish! Congrats to your boys on the baseball wins! We're anticipating the start of the pro baseball season, but for now hubby is LOVING March Madness! :)

  23. WHAT!?! Coca-Cola cake.... I must investigate....

    :D :D

  24. woooo.. coke cake .. interesting concept .. will have to give this recipe a try soon !! well done, the cake looks great !!

  25. I am going to have to try a coca-cola cake! It looks so good!

  26. Oh- Books- How did I miss giving you some fun book recommendations? I love to read. Here are a few must reads:
    Memoirs of a Geisha (WAY better than the movie)
    Honeymoon with My Brother (great story)
    Secret Life of Bees
    PS I Love You (also way better than the movie)
    Love, Rosie (by the author of PS I Love You)
    Twilight Series (if you haven't already read)
    Angela's Ashes
    Water for Elephants
    Kitchen Confidential (if bad words don't offend you)
    Any of the classics- Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Little Women, Sense and Sensibility- I think we often get caught up in the new books and forget to revisit the classics as adults. They are just so good.
    There's a few, but I have more. :)

    P.S. I love that you made cake again.


Thanks for visiting my blog & taking the time to comment! :)