Saturday, February 28, 2009

Whole meyer lemon tart

5 I've got a few recipes that I've made but haven't blogged about yet thanks to being sick for a week. So this is going to be short, sweet, and a little tart. 


DSC01044 Well, if you've been reading here you'll remember that I recently bought and tried meyer lemons.  Since that first time I've purchased more and made this whole lemon tart I saw on Smitten Kitchen. It was very good and one of the twins, Devon absolutely loved it.  I know some people commented  on Deb's blog and mentioned that it didn't go well for them but I didn't have any issues and it was my first time making tart (or pie) crust.  I did find the recipe for the crust a bit confusing but in the end it worked out.  I made my tart in the rectangular tart pan that I received for Christmas this year which means my crust was thicker than what it would have been had I used the proper sized pan.

DSC01020Next up will be meyer lemon curd but first photos of a dessert (a  kinda charlotte, trifle thingy) I made.  I won't post the recipe (there wasn't one) to as it was pretty but just okay nothing that you couldn't whip up on your own (& probably even better).

FYI~ the lemon tart photos are courtesy of my sitter, Miss Karolyn! 


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  1. I really wasn't happy with the lemon meringue pie I made a few weeks ago, I totally should have made this tart. It looks really good! Can't wait to see your lemon curd.

    I'm such a fan of trifles even though I've never made one. It seems like they are fairly simple, but really impressive looking.

    Pics are great!

  2. This tart is just gorgeous. It's sophisticated, yet delicious-looking. And, I would love a piece right now! Looks like you and Meyer lemons form a really great team! Hope you're feeling better!

  3. everything looks so good! I love lemon, but everyone else in my family dislikes it! So I'm all alone when it comes to things like that. As for trifles, I could eat them all day long!

  4. I love Lemon Tarts and yours looks fantastic! Nice dessert too...



  5. I love your rectangular baking pan - it made a gorgeous tart. I've been looking for Meyer lemons at my grocery stores and still haven't found any. I'll bookmark your tart for when I do! :)

  6. My sister and I were just talking about how there are a lot of American bloggers mentioning meyer lemons recently (we're Canadian living in England). I can't figure out what's different about them so I think I'll have to do some research!

  7. INGRID- This is absolutely gorgeous, can you send some meyer lemons today to me. Its snowing here in NJ, we are expected a foot, I could use some, I want to make this. I can just taste this. It looks so delicious, so pretty!! Oh btw, I answered the 10 things..

  8. Your tart looks fantastic. I have never made a tart or pie crust either so I glad it was not too difficult for you. I also have not tried Meyer lemons yet so it looks like I have o put these on my to bake list.

  9. WOW!! You go girl, both of these desserts look fantastic!! I'm partial to the lemon tart though, I love lemon!!

  10. Looks just lovely! My dad has a meyer lemon tree so I want to try this! :)

  11. Meyer Lemons are amazing and your tart looks deeeeelicious!

  12. Yum! I just love the way Meyer Lemons smell! I'd love to have a tree someday!

  13. That lemon tart is just perfect! I love that tart mould!

  14. Love meyer lemons! I'm down to my last 10 lemons from my tree, I should make this.

  15. oh my gosh! that all looks so good! i'll take one of each, please :)

  16. They both look so delicious! I am jealous, I can't find Meyer Lemons anywhere here. I am loving that strawberry sauce, yummmmyyy!!

  17. Mmm! I was just telling my boyfriend about Shaker Lemon Pie, which is kinda like this tart in that it uses the whole lemon! He loves all things lemon! :D

  18. Ingrid - that's great that you may be coming to NYC. I'm starting out patient therapy next week and I'm hoping they can help in getting me to the point where I can be more independent (stairs, being able to carry things without holding onto the cane or know, the NORMAL stuff in life!). I'd love to meet for dinner IF I'm at the 'stairs' and 'stability' point by Email me with details!

    On another note, holy cr*p, that lemon tart is stunning and your photography is reaching magazine-cookbook levels! You should send that first photo to Foodgawker or Tastespotting!

    Oh, one more thing - Like you, I'm SO jealous of your son getting to go to a ST game! SOOOO jealous! LOL

  19. Errr, I meant 'sons' since they're like umm - TWINS! Brain freeze!

  20. oh my! Everything looks so delicious!!!

    What's the difference between a Meyer lemon and a regular one?

  21. Both of these desserts look beautiful and summery! The photos are warm and inviting.

  22. first of all, that's a nifty tart pan! secondly, and of more importance, the baked goodness contained within that pan is amazing!

  23. Everything looks so beautiful but oh boy I have my eye on your gorgeous lemon tart - drool...

    Rosie x

  24. Yum! Your photographs are beautiful too!

  25. Your lemon tart looks amazing and delicious. And the trifle, oh my, perfection. Way to go!

  26. I wish I could get meyer lemons to make this tart.

  27. Hhmmm... that looks delicious. And are those strawberries on top of the lemon tart? That dessert must be lethal. :D


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