Sunday, September 1, 2013

Funfetti (not so) Gooey Bars

I'm sure most of you guys have made or eaten some form of a "gooey" bar, but have they actually been gooey?  Not one recipe that I've made has been "gooey".  I've made the traditional recipe, a s'mores, and now these funfetti ones.  None of them were truly gooey and that's the word that catches my attention and draws me in.  That being said I still recommend you give these bars a try.  While they weren't gooey they were delicious.  May I make one recommendation?  Make sure you have plenty of milk.  They're wonderfully sweet.

I'm not going to type out the recipe as I didn't make any changes to it other than cutting back on the bake time (27 mins).  Oh and I noticed as I was grabbing the web address Dorothy (Crazy for Crust) has another gooey bar recipe up.  Kinda looks gooey too!

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