Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pecan Cutie Pies

pecan-cutie-piesI first saw these “cuties pies” on Monica’s blog months ago and had every intention of making them straight away.   I didn’t.  By the time I got home, cooked dinner, helped with homework, and was ready to bake I had forgotten about them. It’s usually the last recipe I see  before I head into the kitchen that winds up being pulled out of the oven.  Does that happen to you, too? Or is just me?  Sometimes I even have this nagging feeling that I wanted to make something but can’t think of what it was.


Unlike myself Avril didn’t wait so long .  After hearing her rave about them I added pecans to my grocery list.  I bought the pecans but promptly forgot about making the cutie pies. Again.  It wasn’t until rearranging the fridge and freezer last week that I came across the bag of pecans. This time I was gonna tie the bag around my neck and wear it as a reminder to make the kids and I some pecan cutie pies.  Okay, so I didn’t tie the bag around my neck but I did set it on the counter as a reminder to make them.


Made ‘em.  Ate ‘em.  All gone.

The Giveaway winners are #18 Sherry G. & #38 Lorie.  Congratulations!  Please email me your info.  If I don’t hear from you by Saturday.  I’ll have to chose another winner.

Thanks to everyone that entered!


  1. Looks and sounds fantastic! I have pecans on hand, so hopefully it won't take me months to make them! :)

  2. WOW...these are very cute. I thing I too would have eaten them all gone.

  3. Those are very cute indeed...I'll bet they were yummy!

  4. I'm glad you finally made them. I know not all your kiddos LOVED them as much as I did, but that's okay. Next time you make them, jus tinvite me over okay...and make a double batch :-)

  5. Congrats to the winner! Those look so good and wonderfully moist.



  6. Those really are "cutie pies". I loooove pecans and would probably scarf down 5 or 6 of these at a time!

    Lovely post!

  7. Yummy and cute! I have no idea about the name ting-a-lings, it is an old recipe from my MIL and that is what we have always called them. I have heard them called haystack cookies too.

  8. Sigh. Gorgeous. I'm going to go drool over the recipe right now.

  9. Exited to have won! I emailed you my info. Your pictures are amazing!

  10. These look amazing Ingrid! I bet they were gobbled up quickly! Im like you though and buy ingredients and then totally forget about them until I accidently find them under other ingredients!

  11. It must be muffin week :) yum, yum, yum. Love pecans.

  12. Delicious! And sooooo cute!!!
    Great pictures!

  13. I hate it when you want to make a recipe and it seems like everything gets in the way!

  14. Hahaha! I love the last picture. So I guess they were good huh?? I'm glad you finally got around to making these. I guess I will have to make them now. I mean, if you all have tried them, I need to as well! ;-)

  15. I have emailed myself thousands of blog posts to try! I am with you, the last thing I see is what I end up making. Love the shot where the treat is gone.

  16. I totally do that--buy ingredients and forget what I was gonna make.
    These look really yummmmmmm!

  17. Aww, I love that they're called cutie pies - they look addicting!

  18. They look great Ingrid! What pretty hands you have! I would never dare a close up of mine like that LOL!

  19. Cuties is an appropriate name for them! They look so moist and yummy Ingrid! I bet I could make a plate of them disappear real fast too.

  20. These do look cute and seem like the perfect tasty little treat. I bet it's difficult to eat only one of these. By the way, I'm holding a giveaway on my blog for Orglamix Organic makeup and you're welcome to come by and enter.

  21. an appropriate name for such an adorable little nibble! great share, ingrid. :)

  22. No wonder. They sound like a fabulous little mouthful. I love making things like this...and now if I can just remember to buy a bag of pecans!

    (Adorable wicker-covered glass, Ingrid!)

  23. I'm glad you made them because now they're getting added to my list too! :) They look delicious, Ingrid!

  24. I love the size! I would go for a good dozen of these ;)

  25. Ha-ha! That's sound like about how long it takes me to make a recipe sometimes. I'll have all the ingredients purchased for weeks before I finally get around to it. Those do look delicious though, and cute!

  26. Yahooooo Ingrid! Congrats for finally making these little Cutie Pies!!!

    Believe me I often have the BEST intentions of making what I see out there in food blog world and then either get so excited for the recipe that I don't bookmark/save it or I get distracted by something else....not fun!

    Happy Sunday Dearest Ingrid!
    ~avril :-)

  27. I will have to give these a try. I have everything to make these beauties!

  28. They look like the little pecan pies my MIL makes for my husband whenever we visit. They are very tasty.

  29. That plate of empty crumbs is so cute! These look awesome... worth the wait, yes?

  30. These look so cute and tasty. I love bite-sized desserts - makes me feel okay when I keep pooping them in my mouth!

  31. I do that too! I have two jars of fig preserves in my pantry, that I know I bought for something!

  32. Oh, my beloved pecans! I have a big ol' cooler of them on my patio waiting to be shelled... (And lady you have a pretty hand! Does that sound weird?)

  33. Ingrid, I always plan on making something and then of course I see something else and than that takes over...happens to me all the time! The pecan cakes look great. I want to give these a try too (see what I mean?)!

  34. I haven't tried making them at home, but this Christmas - I'll make sure to give a try on it!

  35. If I had those cute little things, I would leave an empty plate like this one as well.

  36. Cutie pies is the perfect name! They're so adorable! Hopping over for the recipe1

  37. I'm n ot surprised they were all gone! They look super delish!!!

  38. Bookmarked! I love these Pecan Cutie Pies! And I have a feeling when I make them, they won't last long either.

  39. I love these! Delicious. I can see why they are gone!

  40. Anything baked with pecans are my favorite! Gotta make this too.


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