Friday, September 4, 2009

A Failure and A Success

I know I’ve been MIA lately.  The kids, their homework, and extracurricular activities have kept me super busy.  They’ve adjusted well to going back to school but I’m still struggling to balance everything.  (I think it’s been a week since I last baked anything. :(() I’m hoping to get back into the groove of things soon!


A few months ago I had my first giveaway.  One of the items which I gave away was Martha Stewart’s Cupcake cookbook which I preordered for the winner.   At the same time I preordered the winner’s(Noodlegirl) cookbook I preordered one for myself.  When I received the cookbook I excitedly flipped through looking for a cupcake recipe  to try.  It didn’t take long for me to settle on  the snickerdoodle ones.

 DSC01742 I decided instead of baking up 28 cupcakes I’d bake a two layer six inch square cake (I had also recently bought two Fat Daddio pans) and with the rest of the batter a few cupcakes.   Everything went smoothly.  The cake batter was delish and the yummy cinnamon-y aroma filling my kitchen was driving me crazy! My cake layers which I baked up first looked great and my six cupcakes were the most perfect looking cupcakes to ever come out  of my oven.  To say that I was excited was an understatement! 

As I waited for my layers and cupcakes to cool I got busy making my frosting.  Instead of making Martha’s seven minute frosting I decided to make the cinnamon brown sugar buttercream I had  recently seen on the blog, Lick the Bowl GoodMonica’s buttercream is the success part of this post.  The buttercream is actually an Italian Meringue and I’m happy to say it came together without a hitch.  It also piped like a dream. 


Now for the failure part.  The snickerdoodle cake and cupcakes that looked so wonderful coming out of the oven?  While cooling they had shrunk in on themselves DSC01746-1and when I tried one of the cupcakes it was bone dry!  How can that be?  When I did the toothpick test it came out with a crumb or two stuck to it and that was five minutes prior to when the recipe said they should be done!  Talk about disappointed!    The worse part?  A few days after I tossing (with force) the cake  into the garbage disposal (I should have made cakeballs, duh!  Throw in enough frosting, dip into chocolate, and just about anything will taste good.) I came across several blogs that raved about the cupcake recipe.  (Here’s one of them.) Maybe it was me?  I’d like to give it another try but I’m scared.  So, I think I’ll just stick to this snickerdoodle cake recipe or this snickerdoodle bundt cake one. 


I’m sorry that the photos are crappy but once I realized how awful this was I really couldn’t muster up any enthusiasm for the the photos.  The only reason I took any to begin with is that Babygirl frosted and decorated the cake. 


  1. I can't wait to make something from this book! The book is right now floating in the ocean going to Hawaii lol.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your failure... That cake looks beautiful!



  3. That's sad! It holds such promise! And it looks beautiful - babygirl rocks at decorating! I love the frosting you used too.

  4. Sorry the cupcakes didn't work for you. I tried the ones in there baked in sugar cones and they were a disaster. Hmm. Martha isn't perfect? Go figure.

    Are you kidding me that your babygirl did that piping along the bottom? Holy cow! It looks awesome!

    BTW - glad your posting again!

  5. Sorry for the cupcakes. The pictures still look awesome, though. The frosting looks really good! Great work by your babygirl! :D

  6. Well you know how I feel about children helping out! Babygirl rocks! Great job! Sorry about the disappointment at the end though. I hate when that happens.

  7. She decorated that cake? Holy cow, she's good. I'm a little jealous!

    Your cake looks great though despite it being dry. I read something recently that said if cakes shrink that it's usually because there's too much liquid in the cake or because the oven temp is too high. Maybe you could try again at a lower temp???

    I'm still dying to try that snickerdoodle cake!

  8. I'm sorry this one was a dud, its always such a disappointment. I do love your blog though!

  9. What a disappointment - I hate when that happens. The frosting looks amazing though. Maybe I'll try it - I'm sort of afraid of Italian and French buttercreams and I need to get over it.

  10. I share your love of snickerdoodle anything! Don't give up, we will keep eating the successes. I will have to give the Snickerdoodle Bundt a try. Fall is on its way to the Midwest....cinnamon time!

  11. Weas I started reading this post, I was thinking to things. One-YUM. 2-who can I make a cake for?
    But then I continued and read about the diappointing cake and I'm bumbed. I'm bumbed for you and for what started out sounding lke a dream cake.

  12. Glad you posted this! That frosting looks AHHHMAZING! I will use that next time I do snickerdoodle anything! I will be interested in seeing if anyone else had the same issues with Martha's recipe...but your previous posts, the bundt and the other cake look so good I will have to try one for my hubby!!

  13. Sorry the cake didn't turn out like you hoped, but the frosting looks very tasty. Babygirl did a wonderful job decorating!! Wishing you a great Labor Day weekend!

  14. Sorry the cuppies were dry but it happens to the best of 'em. The cake looks nice..

  15. I can so relate trying to get back into a groove with the kids back in school!!

    I ususally am so skeptical when something I make doesn't turn out and other people rave about it...did they really make it??!! LOL
    But it did look delicious!


  16. Sorry the cupcakes didnt turn out! Martha's recipes tend to be extremes, either the best or the worst!

    The piping/decorating job is great though!

  17. ah, i hate when that happens, but they sure look tasty!

  18. Aww, I'm sorry the cake was dry. That's the worst, especially when you're looking forward to it. The cinnamon brown sugar buttercream sounds amazing though!

  19. Sorry you went through all that work to be disappointed. The decorating job is top notch though :)

  20. darn I have flops sometimes too! thanks for the recipes they sound wonderful, i cant wait to have kitchen again! the decorating was fabulous! Thanks for coming to see me on my blog while I have been a bit CRAZY!!!

  21. It is so disheartening to have a much anticipated recipe fail.

    The frosting looks superb! Excellent border. Love the hearts! So, well done!

    Good idea about the cake balls. I wouldn't have thought of them either.
    Now I will.

  22. of all the things to not turn out, snickerdoodle anything would have to be the most disappointing for me! the cake ball idea would've been good, but now you know for next time. if there IS a next time. not that i'm saying there will be. :)

  23. It can be so frustrating when a recipe doesn't turn out as expected! I recently tried a new cake recipe and it only rose about halfway, then it sunk after cooling. :( Since then I've replaced my baking powder...I'm hoping that will fix the problem, but I'm not sure since the baking powder was only a couple months old. Anyway, the frosting on this cake looks incredible, I love the flecks of cinnamon!

  24. Cake looks great, Babygirl did an awesome job. Bummber about that cake being dry. When that happens, I brush the layers with a flavored simple syrup, cinnamon syrup might work well on this cake.

  25. Oh rats! Sorry about the failure :( Cake balls would have been a good option, I've made those many times. I have a friend that begs me to make the red velvet ones whenever she invites us over for a party LOL!

  26. Hey! I have been meaning to respond back but been so busy lately. I tried the cupcakes too and while I loved the taste of the batter the cupcakes were not my favorite. I think I pulled them out a little early too so they wouldnt be too dry. I thought they were just ok, I didnt think they had much of a taste. More light like a breakfast muffin maybe.

    I did use the seven minute frosting and its was just ok too. It didnt pipe very well and was very light. I think the cupcakes needed a more rich frosting to compensate for the lightness of the cake.

  27. I am very impressed with her piping skills and your pictures make it look delicious!

  28. Cinnamon, (drool), brown sugar(drool) buttercream (drool, drool). You piped it so masterfully Ingrid- and no finger licks on there. Looks so yum.

  29. This cake looks GREAT!!! I can't believe babygirl iced this cake... AMAZING! Maybe she can teach me something!

  30. Your cake looks fabulous! Great decorating job. Too bad about the failure with the snickerdoodle versions. I hate when that happens. :(


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