Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just the Ganache Please

DSC01805 This isn’t about the brownies though they were very good.  This is about the ganache that I topped the brownies with.  Now this isn’t any ordinary ganache.  Not your run of the mill ganache.  No, ma’am! This is a finger licking, last drop getting peanut butter chocolate ganache!  Do you see where I’m going with this?  It was insanely good. 


For me the ganache was the perfect balance of peanut butter and chocolate.  It was so silky and smooth when I poured it over the brownies.  I don’t know if it was because the brownies were not long out of the oven but the wonderful aroma of chocolate and peanut butter was intoxicating.  I know I’m going on and on but think about it. I don’t even really like peanut butter or chocolate.  I generally avoid the two unless they’re together.  Together they’re better, good even and sometimes like with this ganache, they’re magical!


Peanut Butter Chocolate Ganache Recipe

Ingredients You Will Need: (I only made half the recipe)
1 cup heavy cream
1 ½ cups chocolate chip morsels (I used a combination of Ghirardelli semi-sweet & dark)
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
¾ cup powdered sugar
½ cup smooth peanut butter

In a small saucepan, combine the cream, powdered sugar, chocolate chip morsels and butter over low heat. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and add the peanut butter at the same time. Stir until smooth.

Ganache will be too hot to spread or pour. Set in the refrigerator for several minutes. Then place the ganache on the counter and stir once or twice over the next ten minutes until it has reached the desired consistency.  (I was in a hurry so I didn’t follow this step completely.)DSC01823

The brownies were for a BBQ that my neighbor across the street was having.  They started with a box mix.  I’m not certain which but I added some Reese’s mini baking cups.  From the photo you can see how they sunk to the bottom.  I hate that.  Luckily I had the peanut butter chocolate ganache to consol myself with.

* Here are some photos of the Twins playing baseball at Cooperstown.  These were my faves!  Jalen’s pitching and Devon’s batting.

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IMG_0595 IMG_0596 IMG_0597 IMG_0598IMG_0599 


  1. Ooh, I love me some ganache! Yes , yes I do! It looks so silky too.

    Great photos of the boys playing baseball!

  2. What a scrumptious treat! Great baseball shots!



  3. peanutbutter and chocolate...mmmmmm..

    Love peanutbutter!
    Nice baseball shots!

  4. Yummy ganache and awesome pics. I love Cooperstown.

  5. Yummy. I love chocolate and pb and I don't have to have them together, but together is irresistible!

  6. That ganache looks so shiny! I love PB and chocolate together, but never tried it in a ganache..yummy!

  7. Your ball players look great and the brownies look insane...speaking of insane, I have to ask...You generally don't like PB and chocolate together? Crazy lady ;)

  8. Magical, I have got to try it. Your raves have me wanting to make it today. Now what to bake underneath it??

    Love your baseball shots.

  9. That ganache looks sinful...did it harden up at all? Great baseball pics!

  10. I think I must toss in the Reese peanut butter chips every time I use a box of brownie mix, but I've never added a ganache. That sounds really good.

    I always have to wonder at you when you say you aren't a chocolate or pb fan. It's just weird. LOL

    I love the action shots of the boys playing ball. I have some of those of Sam too, from when he pitched last season. Couldn't get him away from his basketball this time around to get on the field again though. I bet they had a ball. (no pun intended!)

  11. Oh girl, how wonderful! I love the PB and chocolate combo, be still my heart!

  12. Oh, Ingrid! I just gained five pounds! ;)

    Your boys look like they really know what they are doing out on the field!!! Great shots!

  13. un yeah..I am pretty sure I would lick the whole bowl clean!
    Thanks for sharing your photos!

  14. terrific action shots!! and come on--that ganache is ridiculous! the simple act of adding a dash of peanut butter makes it 100 times better. :)

  15. That ganache looks perfect for those brownies and sounds delicious. Great to add something special to box mixes. Such nice pics of your children....

  16. Oh wowow chocolate and peanut butter in ganache... it looks succulent!

  17. I love ganache but have never put PB in it. Now thats something I have to try. Pronto! :)

  18. wow, how did you get all that shots in action? Shutter-speed? Amazing! And they look so serious and cool, like real pros!
    And wooww...PB choc ganache? Rich and decadent!

  19. Looks amazing! I don't like peanut butter but I love chocolate. To a point where I'm sure it is, quite literally, unhealthy.

    great looking tart!

  20. A good ganache is a beautiful thing!!!

  21. Oh my that ganache looks AMAZING! :)

    Great baseball pics!!!

  22. I am back to look at that ooey gooey ganache and let you know I left an award for you on my blog! :)

  23. Wow that looks yummy! I am not even a peanut butter fan and I almost want to taste it! My sister would love this. I will have to give it a try sometime! The brownies look awesome!

  24. I LOVEEEEEEEEEE anything with PB and brownies in it...even if I'm allergic. Sigh.

  25. Love the ganache (great idea) and the photos of the boys (too cute!).

    The second last photo is the most terrific action shot.

  26. This is simply sinful! The combo of PB and chocolate ganache sounds so good I may just eat it by itself! Great pictures of your boys! They look like great baseball players!

  27. What awesome pics of your boys in action!

    What haven't I thought of a PB ganache? Sounds amazing!!

  28. Did you *actually* just say you don't care for pb or chocolate?

    Hold on. Gotta let that one settle in.

    OK. Now I'm going to try this ganache and pray for you. HA.

  29. Peanut butter ganache sounds delicious. I need to make it. Great baseball pictures.

  30. Oh wow! This sounds right up my alley! Yum!

  31. Oh man, I just saw someone else's blog that featured a cheesecake with pb ganache and now you too! Apparently I am MEANT to have this stuff in my life, it's fate.

  32. Peanut butter and chocolate are definitely magical together - I think we're on the same wavelength on this point! Ohhh I could just eat this with a spoon, haha. Classy.

  33. Oh man! You gotta be kidding me! These brownies look insane.

  34. Mmmmm chocolate! Great action photos too!

  35. Hey chicklet, that's it, just kill me with chocolate and peanut butter. Those brownies look incredible! You are a bake-a-holic, and a master at it as well. The photos are absolutely mouth watering. Also, the photos of Jalen and Devon pitching are awesome. They look like mini Roy Halladay's!

    BTW, I refuse to watch another Yankee game against the Angels. It's the same game over and over..they beat us..end of story *sigh*

    See? I write very long comments too..LOL

    Give me a hollah when you can *hugs*

  36. Good lord I'm gonna have to make these brownies just to taste this ganache!! It sounds so good Ingrid! Your pictures are terrific!

  37. Oh good. I can eat the ganache on its own. It looks so tempting! Haha!
    Your boys are really good in baseball. Yay~

  38. I think I could eat a bowl of that ganache!!!

  39. whaaaaa...t?! PB Ganache. Now why haven't I thought of that?? Yum!

  40. Peabut Butter Chocolate Ganache?!? I SO JUST BOOKMARKED THIS!!!! Looks and sounds delicioussss

  41. Just a quick note to let you know I left you an award on my blog!

  42. mmmmm give me some chocolate!

  43. i'm not gonna lie. i just tried to lick my computer screen.

  44. I love ganache but have never mixed in peanut butter...great idea! sounds amazing!

  45. OMG - those brownies with the peanut butter ganache are TO DIE FOR!!!!! YUM!

  46. PB + GANACHE! Yummmmmmm! I SO gonna suggest this at work! :D

  47. It's never even occurred to me to add peanut butter to chocolate ganache!! Great idea. Looks fabulous! This would be perfect to top my Peanut Butter Cookie Cupcakes!!

  48. As you know I tend to not like chocolate and PB together (opposite of you) but now that I think of it, this kind of reminds me of that puppy chow (chex mix) covered in powdered sugar. It's a combination of chocoalte and PB just like this. And I love that stuff!

    PS, Where are your Oreo Cheesecakes, woman!

  49. I wish they would have served this to us while we were at Cooperstown Dreams Park...

  50. first, i love pb and chocolate anytime ;)

    second, your boys are too cute! love that you included some of that baseball you love!

  51. Strong, good looking boys you got there :)


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