Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This is a test...

Okay this is a test. The computer (????) kicks keeping back my post with the response below...

The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.

whenever I try to publish a new post written through Windows Live Writer. What the heck does that mean? Help! Juuuuuuliiiiia! Somebody, anybody?

Update: This posted so it must be that individual post! Rats, I guess I'll need to mess around with it!


  1. I tried windows writer before, somehow I stopped using it...... but haven't got the similar error message yet.
    Have you recently changed anything with it?
    How did you set up "privacy"?

  2. I've never had that happen before. Maybe you somehow messed with the code in your post when you were publishing. If it happens again, try checking the Live Writer blog for help.

  3. I freak out with computer problems! Do you get the same error message when using a different browser, like FireFox?

  4. I'm no help whatsoever, but I hope you can get it worked out soon.

  5. Sorry I can't help you out with your computer glitch this morning. I hope you get it fixed soon so you can share more yummy recipes!!

  6. ICK I'm sorry I hate computer problems!

  7. Hope you can get it fixed soon....I don't have a clue when this thing acts up...LOST is the word around here....

  8. Oh man I'm not gonna be any help butr you have my sympathy!. I always just use the blog post to write my post...did that make sense??? LOL!!

  9. Bad, bad, blogger, it's giving everyone such troubles lately!!!! We should all import our blogs to wordpress.


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