Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cinnamon Roll Cake

DSC01591This isn't what I originally was going to post but it was so good and so easy I bumped it to the top of the list! I've made this twice in four days and had ever intention of making it again tonight but came up three eggs short.

I found this cinnamon roll cake on Abby Sweets early Thursday afternoon. Abby starts off her post claiming that this would be "the easiest, quickest, and yummiest desserts" I would ever make. Well, she isn't far off the mark. I'd have to say that its tied with monkey bread and the mb muffins for quick and easy. It is though (IMHO) one of the yummiest. Besides being easy, quick, and yummy this cake is also moist, light, and wonderfully cinnamony. I didn't make any changes to the recipe though I've been thinking chopped nuts might be a tasty addition. Mmmmm.


The first time I made the cake was Thursday night for Babygirl's teacher and classmates.It was teacher appreciation week and what better way to show our appreciation than with cake. Babygirl came home from school with the message that everyone loved the cake and wanted seconds. Lucky for us she came home with a bit of the cake leftover otherwise I/we might not have realized how amazing this cake was. I only got to sample the crumbs but my parents who were in town got to try a piece and loved it. So much so I decided to bake another one instead of the Oreo cake or the raspberry swirl tea cake I had intended to make for our Mother's Day luncheon. DSC01589

Cinnamon Roll Cake
Yellow Cake Mix
4 eggs
¾ cup oil
1 cup sour cream
Mix by hand and pour in 13 x 9 greased baking pan.
1 cup brown sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon
Mix and pour over cake batter. Swirl into batter with knife. (this was not easy to do as the batter is thick)
Bake @ 325 for 40 minutes. (Mine was done in 30 minutes.)Let cake cool 10 – 15 minutes before icing.
2 cups powdered sugar
4 tbsp milk (I used heavy cream and had to add more to get the consistency I needed)
Pour over warm cake.


I also baked Monica's Mom's Tres Leches Cake for another teacher but she told Devon that she wouldn't be in on Friday so it never made it into class. I had mixed emotions about this cake. I liked it (loved the three milk mixture) but I didn't like the boxed cake mix (the recipe called for one) that I used to make it. Everyone who tried it said they liked it but I could really taste that it was made with a cake mix. I'm going to try it again but with a different brand of cake mix. I'd also like to try a homemade version of it.

I've been meaning to tell you guys that I made Artisan Bread in Five Minutes' Olive Oil Pizza dough. Babygirl and I made it two Thursday's ago for a pizza-fest that she and one of her friends were having at the house. To say that it was easy is a huge understatement. The only thing I wasn't sure about was the stickiness of the dough. Once again, being the dopiest bloggers out there, I neglected to take any photos of the girls and their pizzas.

Bad news one of the Twins, Devon, got hit in the mouth with a ground ball. He's going to live but will be in pain for several days and may (I hope not)lose one of his front teeth. I'm going to try to get him into the dentist tomorrow. I should know more afterwards. Wish us luck!

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  1. That cake looks fantastic Ingrid, your pictures show it off very well. I need to make this, I'd never forgive myself if I didn't!!I hope your son isn't it pain for long and thank goodness he didn't loose his tooth!

  2. I can see why you've made this twice in four days - it looks amazing!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ingrid.. I saw this on her blog also and thought how delicious it looked. You just sealed the deal on me making this asap. It looks fabulous..

    Oh your poor son, I hope it isnt too painful for him!

  5. Hey Pretty Lady!

    I searched a long time for a good Tres Leche Recipe and found the BEST one that's made from scratch. I think you'll really like it.

    The Cinnamon Roll cake looks really good -- I can almost smell the cinnamon wafting through my screen!

    I hope Devon is okay -- poor guy! Youch!

  6. You made this twice in four days? Now I have to try this. But I have an addictive personality so I have to be careful.

  7. Yummylicious! I love anything that contains cinnamon and is baked!



  8. That looks amazing, and if you baked it twice in 4 days, it must be something special. Yum!!

    Katie xox

  9. YUM! I love cinnamon rolls- I bet this was delicious!

    I totally agree with you about how much better it would be with a homemade white cake. This is the best my mom could do...isn't that sad? For example, tonight she tried to make a pineapple upside-down cake using a box of pineapple cake mix. I asked her where the pineapple, butter, cherries and brown sugar were and she honestly thought that they were in the box. Poor thing, she's so clueless when it comes to baking!

    Oh and the link to the tres leches cake isn't to my blog.

  10. The cinnamon roll cake looks amazing! I am definitely putting it on my to bake list. Hopefully Devon does not lose his tooth!

  11. I hope Devan's mouth is okay. Does he pitch? Ouch!
    I don't know where to start w/ your post! The cake looks freaking fantastic and I've bookmarked it to make when my inlaws come to visit later this month. Yummy yummy.
    How about the pizza dough though? I'm curious to see a recipe for that one too. Homemade wheat pizza dough is on my list of things I need to try.

  12. Twice in 4 days!! You are a brave woman! :) I'm glad that you tried it and loved it!

    I hope all goes well with your son, poor thing!!!!

  13. That cake looks amazing!!!

    Good luck at the dentist! Anya fell a few weeks ago and split her lip open. Her two front teeth started turning grey about a week ago and I had to take her in for xrays. I think she will be losing her teeth a little early now! :( Hope your little man is feeling better!

  14. This looks yummilicious. I wish I was having some right now.

  15. The cinnamon roll cake looks gorgeous! I can see why you’ve made it again mmmmm...

    Rosie x

  16. Wow...I amy make this baby tonight!!! Great post!

  17. That sounds and looks amazing, right up my alley.

  18. This looks so yummy! I am a big fan of anything that resembles a cinnamon roll. Love that cinnamon layer! OUCH! I hope your son is OK!!

  19. I've been craving cinnamon rolls...this looks delicious! : )

  20. that settles it. i've died and am now in heaven. correction: once i make and devour this, i'll be in heaven. it's moist and so full of cinnamon--only the glaze makes it even better than i could hope. amazing.

  21. Looks delicious Ingrid! I think the walnuts would be a great addition!

  22. Oh, yum! I don't usually keep cake mix around the house, but I may need to buy a box to keep around in case I need to make a dessert in a hurry, 'cause this looks DELICIOUS! I love the crackly glaze on top!

  23. It looks delicious! Another cake to put on my list, thanks for sharing!

  24. Ya'll are killing me with this cake! I hope Devon feels better!

  25. We love cinnamon rolls! And to make it into a cake is a BRILLIANT idea. Bookmarked, Ingrid :)

  26. Wow, what a cake! And easy too, even better!

  27. Another cinnamon recipe! You're making me want to try more cinnamon recipes.

  28. Wow, I love the sound of cinnamon roll cake! If you've made it twice already it must be great :).

  29. Wow! Sounds perfectly delicious.

  30. I saw this cake also last week and it looks great!!! I plan on trying it too!!!

  31. Oh. My. Word. This sounds absolutely fantastic! I know my kids will love this recipe, I can't wait to bake it for them.

  32. Ingrid - your blog looks AMAZING. I see tons of treats in here that are going on my must bake list. That list grows faster than I can do anything about it...

  33. I gave this recipe to my coworker and she made it yesterday. AWESOME! Great recipe!!

  34. I want this for breakfast tomorrow! It looks lovely!

  35. Oh, my - I would be in heaven with this cake!

  36. That looks really good! And I can't believe that it's so simple! :)

  37. I love how EASY this is - you could totally pass the cake off as from-scratch :)

  38. Girl, you've been busy! That cake looks fabulous and something my dad would kill for. I'll have to bookmark it.

    And sorry to hear one of the twins got hurt. That's my major fear for when mine is old enough to play sports. But so is the life of a boy's mom, huh?

  39. My father would LOVE this - he loves cinnamon rolls! I think you just gave me an idea of what I will make him for Father's Day! Thanks for sharing! It looks delicious!

  40. I just came across your blog and I LOVE it!

  41. Hmmm even though I just posted abhow I don't like cake mixes, this has got me reconsidering. I figure it's only a 'component part' here, right? I want to make this. Now. Too bad I'm at the office!

  42. Fabulous cake. Cinnamon rolls AND cake? Well, you can't go wrong. Looks so delicious!

  43. I'd like to try this one! It looks sooo delicious :))

  44. Wow! I'm dieting and this is KILLING me!!!

  45. Oh my. You have no idea how much I want a slice of this delicious cake. It looks FANTASTIC!

  46. That looks completely drool worthy! And maybe even simple enough for me :)

  47. This sounds amazing! I love cinnamon rolls, but am usually too lazy to deal with dough making in the morning. This is the perfect to satisfy that cinnamon roll craving.

  48. Wow, does that cake look amazing! This looks like it would be a good coffeecake for breakfast, or a perfect dessert.

  49. Holy Canoli! This looks TOO good for words. This may have just been moved to the top of my list of things to make immediately!

  50. I'm so sorry to hear about your twin, i hope everything works out okay!

    This looks SO good, don't you love dishes that are quick and incredibly delicious, I can't wait to try it!!

  51. Oh, this looks AMAZING!!!

    Hope your little one is doing better!

  52. I must make this for my cake-hating, cinnamon roll-loving brother!

  53. YUM! I need to stop looking at your blog. My tummy is growling.

  54. Hi!!

    the cake looks so good!!!! Wondering.instead of yellow cake mix, is there another recipe from a scratch?? Thank you!! :) :)

  55. Ingrid, I just made the cinnamon roll cake this morning and I'm loving it with my coffee right now. It's a hit w/ all of us. And so easy!!
    Thanks for sharing the recipe!!

  56. Hello! I new to your blog, but I'm so glad that I found it!! I made this cake for my family and it was soooo good and very easy to make! Thanks for the awesome recipe, cant wait to try something else from your blog!

  57. In your opinion, is this a cake best served fresh out of the oven? Or could it be made the night before it's served and still be delicious?

  58. A girl at work makes a honey bun cake that sinks down in the middle, she shared the recipe but when we make it it's nothing like the one she makes, it's almost like she uses half of the cake mix. Does anyone have this recipe?


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