Thursday, February 12, 2009

She says brownies, I say blondies!

DSC00988 Miss Bunny from the blog, Bunny's Warm Oven mentioned in an email that she had a peanut butter brownie recipe that she thought my family would enjoy.  She also said that it was made in one pot!  The idea of dirtying only one pot had me making a batch that night for the Twins' baseball practice.  It didn't hurt either that Bunny recommended them.  Folks, Bunny, I'm sorry but these aren't brownies.  They're blondies!  Peanut butter blondies and they are GOOD.  Better than good.  I've already made them two times and I'm thinking about making up another batch.  Besides being terrific these bars were quick and easy to put together!  

I followed the recipe with my only change being instead of using vanilla extract I used vanilla bean paste. I really like how blondies taste using it DSC00992-1instead of regular extract. I also tested my blondies (not brownies) two minutes earlier than called for and took them out when the tooth pick still had a few moist crumbs clinging to it. They were purrrrfect!  I hid a few for a photo shoot when I had a moment and they were still moist and yummy.  I actually (third day) warmed up the last one in the microwave and topped it with some Blue Bell homemade vanilla ice cream.  I don't even know how to describe just how good it was.  


I don't have photos but I also made this recipe which I saw on Bakerella.  The brownie part was good, nice and moist but I the "cookie" was dry. Unlike Bakerella I didn't add a frosting.  If you click here you'll see that Nikki of Pennies on a Platter  also made them but used peanut butter cookie dough instead of chocolate chip cookie. 

FYI~ Sorry if I haven't stopped by and commented.  I've been crazy busy! Both Twins had a project due tomorrow and one of the Twins has TWO MORE due THIS Friday.  Oh and in case you were wondering two of the three projects were just given this past Monday.  After Friday things should settle back down & I'll catch up on my reading & commenting.


  1. I have a third opinion! I'd call these "bars." :) I wasn't made aware of the term "blondies" till later in life so I'm not even really that sure what constitutes a blondie (except that it's lighter in color than a brownie).

    I just made a recipe for "blondies" last week, but wasn't too happy how they turned out. They were a little on the dry side. This recipe is different so I could give it a try and it looks moist and flaky.

  2. Ingrid- One pan, spectacular dessert, I am so all over thisone!! I am sooo giving this a try. SOON!! Maybe today and will cut them in hearts for the lovely children. I HATE school projects. I just got finished with a diorama of a rainforest starring jaguars, and it cost me $40.00, money better spent on wine or chocolate or a cookbook, I'd say!

  3. This is one combination that I have to try. I love peanut butter; I love blondies. These are perfect. In addition, your photos look great!

  4. Great pictures, and the one pot thing sells me completely. I'm bookmarking these to make soon. I'm including the link to my one-pot brownies too so you can try them out if your interested. They are AMAZING.
    Let me know if you try them and what you think...

  5. I agree...great pictures! These look wonderful!

  6. They looks so moist and delicious. I love blondies.

  7. These blondies are the bomb!! How scrumptious!!! And those cookie/brownies look good, too! Hope you get your projects done!!

  8. Oh yum! I love bar style cookies, blondies, brownies...whatever they are called!

  9. I have been craving Blondies ever since you posted ther recipe for Snickerdoodle Blondies. These look really good too...and wait till you see the recipe I posted from the Washington Post..I was drooling when I read it!

  10. These look fantastic! Wow.. you're busy girl! :)

  11. These pb blondies look just as good as you make them sound... can you say... BOOKMARKED! :D

  12. These are really gorgeous blondies. I love blondies with chocolate chips, but I really want to try these with peanut butter! Yum!

  13. I need these immediately! PB and Blondies? What better combination is there?

  14. although i prefer my men to be brunette, i actually prefer a blondie to a brownie, and yours look great. :)

  15. Oooh. Nice. I love the addition of the vanilla bean paste.

  16. I love Blondies and these sound and look a great treat to bake!

    osie x

  17. I love blondies!! Sounds perfect for today :)

  18. I'm so glad you liked them Ingrid, my kids and hubby go whacko for these things and sooooo easy to make!

  19. Mmm wow these look so goood!! Ive never had blondies before, would love to try them!!

  20. I love blondies, right now Dorie Greenspan's recipe is my favorite!

  21. Why have I not made blondies yet? They look so good!

    Awesome photos!

  22. A torturous post for me to visit for sure :) They look amazing!

  23. Hahaha I live in VA... that would be quite a commute! Lol ;D

  24. Don't worry baby.. I have been busy too . Hey, ur blondies look great, so moist, have to give this a try soon !

  25. Oh, man. Those look really good. I'm going to have to make some. YUM!

  26. Mmm, those are some seriously good looking blondies! I love them because they're really just chocolate chip cookies in bar-form, which is easier to make, plus they're usually thicker and chewier, which I love in a cookie. :)

  27. Blondies or brownies, my sweet tooth loves them both! Your blondies look amazing.

    Btw, you have such delicious goodness and yummy photos going on over here! I'll definitely be back! Cheers!

  28. You know how I feel about chocolate and PB together, but these loog yummy! And I agree with you, they're blondies, not brownies. Brownies contain cocoa or melted chocolate in the batter.


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