Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wii Fit & getting into shape!

At the Game Stop website they are taking pre-orders for Wii Fit bundles. It looks like they are scheduled to ship on Friday, January 9th! I just called my Honey and he ordered me one. Yay!! That's the good news. The bad news is I now have absolutely no reason not to be out of the kitchen and exercising as not only has he ordered the Wii Fit for me, he also set up my "mack daddy" treadmill that has been collecting dust. Did I mention we also have a Bowflex? In my defense he did ordered that for himself years ago. I didn't make losing weight a new year's resolution. Regardless of the time of year I needed to stop eating so late and work at getting fit. FYI, I've now gained about 18 pounds since starting my blog! Yikes! At barely 5'3" that's like gaining 25!! Wish me luck.....ha-ha!


  1. what is the best way to start blogging....this is my latest addiction and spend endless hours at night reading blogs...please help if you can

  2. Yay! I hear that it is a lot of fun! I started walking on my treadmill again, although it is not a resolution, just something I know I need to start doing again. I've gained weight since I started blogging too, so don't feel too bad. Were in the same boat.

  3. I would be so happy at your house. I could eat, run, bowflex, eat, run, bowflex, Wii. Life would be complete.

  4. You're gonna love the Wii Fit! Kyle and I have it, and it is so much fun! Kyle is so good- he makes a point to do a half hour on it every night.

  5. Our Wii Fit will be shipped this week!! Can't wait.

  6. I want Wii Fit so bad!

    And I also want you to make some chocolate chip cookies! How about this... Next time you get the urge to make cookies, double the recipe. Scoop them onto parchment lined pans that are small enough to fit in your freezer. Flatten the dough balls slightly with the bottom of a measuring cup sprayed with nonstick spray. Freeze them for about an hour. Once they are firm, bag them up in gallon-sized freezer bags. Then viola! Next time you want cookies, just plop them on a pan and slide them into the oven! :)

  7. I've gained a bit too since starting my blog. UGH!

  8. my brother has one and we played with it when i was home for christmas - it's so much fun :)

  9. hows the Wii Fit working out for ya?



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