Saturday, January 3, 2009

I'm a weeenner!

In December Jamie of the wonderful blog My Baking Addiction hosted a holiday giveaway.  Guess who won?  Yup, me!  Here's what came in the mail the week of Christmas..........


Look at a close up of the jumbo snowflake sprinkles.  These are seriously jumbo!  :-)


The swirl chips have been long gone sprinkled on top of brownies to spruce them up a bit! As for the  food coloring, sprinkles,and cookie cutters they got quite the workout on Christmas Eve with Joe and Babygirl's Santa cookies (sugar cookies with lost of icing and sprinkles)!  Thank you Jamie for the AWESOME prize!   It all went to good use and the cookie cutters will be the "gift" that keeps on giving! :-)


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  1. That's wonderful! Congrats on your award! New Twirl today!

  2. What an awesome prize! I love those giant snowflakes!

  3. Love the bootie! LOL!! And i love cookie cutters, I have a collection I started years ago and just love adding to it!

  4. Good for you! It really is fun to win a prize, and a fun one at that. Have fun with it.

  5. count me among the jealous--great prize! i'm sure everything has gone or will go to good use. :)

  6. Ingrid-

    I am so glad you liked everything! Have a beautiful New Year! Pssst...I have another giveaway posting this Friday...this time it's Valentine's Day themed.



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