Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thank you!

         super-scribbler-award    super-scribbler-award

Thank you Duckie & Pumpkin who both showed me some love and each gave me a Superior Scribbler Award!  Thanks ladies sorry it took so long. 

Here are the rules:

The Rules:
1. Post the award on your blog
2. Link to me for giving it to you
3. Link the originating post here
4. Pass it on to five deserving people
5. Post these rules for your recipients


Here's another award from Duckie!  Thanks again.  I appreciate your support of my blog.

The rules of this award are:

1. Pick ten people to pass this onto if you choose.

2. Contact them and let them know you have chosen them for this award.

3. Also, link back to the person who gave you the award.

Because the list of recipients would be huge if I did five each for the first two awards and then 10 for the third I'm just going to give both awards to 10 wonderful bloggers:

  1. Baking Blonde
  2. Rice and Bean and Other Fine Things
  3. Under the High Chair
  4. Kat's Kitchen
  5. Ezra Pound Cake
  6. Sweet Charity Pie
  7. Kitchen Think Tank
  8. Baked Perfection
  9. For the Love of Cooking
  10. Life is a Feast

There are so many great blogs out there, this is just a few of the ones I enjoy reading.  Please stop by and check 'em out!

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Thanks for visiting my blog & taking the time to comment! :)