Sunday, August 10, 2008

I'm one of the GALS!

Check it out I'm one of the GALS...

Susan of She's Becoming DoughMessTic  started this terrific campaign to bake goodies for soldiers overseas.  This is such a worthy cause.  I'm so excited to be participating.  Please follow this link to learn all about it!  Give it some serious thought as it is not  any more work than you do to bake, photograph, and post on your blogs .... you'll get even more satisfaction.


  1. Ingrid, thanks for visiting my blog and I'm so glad you signed up to do this also.
    I see you have taken the Wilton classes- I did also in the spring, but haven't taken III (maybe in the fall). Your goodies look yummy!!

  2. Fran Z.- You're welcome. Thanks for posting the info about the GALS. I'm really excited to be participating.

    Yup, I've taken the first two course as well. I'd like to take the third but am waiting until after football season has slowed to just three practice nights a week.

    Thanks! You have some yummies posted on your blog I'd like to try! My list of "to make" just keeps growing!

    Happy baking!


Thanks for visiting my blog & taking the time to comment! :)